Optimize Braille Inspection: Automated Accuracy and Efficiency

Optimize Braille Inspection: Automated Accuracy and Efficiency

12 - 06 - 2023

In the world of accessibility, braille inspection plays a crucial role in ensuring equal opportunities. However, the traditional process of manual calibration can be tedious, slow, and prone to errors. But what if I told you there’s an innovative solution that streamlines and improves this task? Introducing GV Braille, the leading platform for automated graphical braille inspection. With our flat scanner and intuitive software, we transform braille inspection, delivering precise and efficient results.


GV Braille by AIS Vision Systems utilizes advanced technology to accurately measure the height and distance of braille dots. Thanks to our specialized flat scanner and user-friendly software interface, the inspection process becomes fast and efficient. Say goodbye to tedious manual calibration and enjoy reliable results in every inspection.

Our digit-by-digit braille recognition software enables precise reading in multiple languages, offering flexibility and adaptability to your needs. Additionally, you can work in layers within the same design, optimizing graphical inspection and simplifying correction processes and compliance with accessibility regulations.


GV Braille accelerates the inspection process and enhances result accuracy. With our comprehensive and unparalleled control, you can ensure compliance with required standards such as ISO 1735:2013. Moreover, generating customized reports is quick and easy, saving you time and effort in your daily work.


Key Benefits of GV Braille:

Precise and Reliable Results:

  • Advanced Technology: GV Braille employs cutting-edge technology to accurately measure the height and distance of braille dots, ensuring precise and reliable results in every inspection.
  • Elimination of Human Errors: By eliminating manual calibration, GV Braille reduces human errors commonly encountered in traditional processes, guaranteeing higher result accuracy.

Agility and Efficiency:

  • Specialized Flat Scanner: GV Braille is equipped with a specialized flat scanner that enables fast and precise capture of braille samples, streamlining the inspection process and saving valuable time.
  • Intuitive Software: The user-friendly software interface of GV Braille facilitates analysis and visualization of inspection results, ensuring an efficient and hassle-free workflow.

Regulatory Compliance:

  • Comprehensive Control: GV Braille offers unmatched comprehensive control to ensure compliance with required regulations, including ISO 1735:2013. This provides peace of mind knowing that your projects meet established accessibility standards.

Customization and Flexibility:

  • Digit-by-Digit Braille Recognition: GV Braille’s powerful digit-by-digit braille recognition software enables precise reading in multiple languages, offering flexibility and adaptability to accommodate international clients.
  • Layered Work Approach: GV Braille allows you to work in layers within the same design, simplifying correction processes and compliance with accessibility regulations.

Personalized Reports:

  • Quick and Easy Generation: With GV Braille, generating customized reports is fast and straightforward. You can create detailed reports with just a few clicks, saving time and effort in your daily work.


Optimize your braille inspection process with GV Braille and experience a new era of automated precision and efficiency. Say goodbye to slow and error-prone manual calibration and embrace faster and more accurate graphical inspection. Visit our website to learn more about how GV Braille can transform your work, providing reliable results and ensuring accessibility for individuals with visual impairments.


Bid farewell to slow and error-prone manual calibration and embrace faster and more accurate graphical inspection. Visit our website to learn more about how GV Braille can transform your work, providing reliable results and ensuring accessibility for individuals with visual impairments. Don’t waste any more time and effort on imprecise manual inspections. Join the automation revolution with GV Braille and make a difference.